A science-fiction comedy where various pro sports bounty hunters fight each other in sporting events. The story centers on Arigetti, Korupi, and Sabina, three women in a team who participate in various sports.
AniWind is a great site to watch anime Ladyspo, SUB online. You can also watch Ladyspo in HD or SD quality.
Overview: A science-fiction comedy where various pro sports bounty hunters fight each other in sporting events. The story centers on Arigetti, Korupi, and Sabina, three women in a team who participate in various sports.
Other names: レディスポ
Language: Subbed
Episodes: 12
Views: 6443
Last Added: 2018-10-04 13:35:41
Release Year: 2018
Type: Spring 2018
Genres: Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi
AniWind is a great site to watch anime Ladyspo, SUB online. You can also watch Ladyspo in HD or SD quality.