A school comedy about a mute transfer student, Tadashi Iketo, who is constantly shuffled from school to school for his "violent nature," though he really is a mild-mannered boy constantly taunted into fights over his simian appearance.
AniWind is a great site to watch anime Gorillaman, SUB online. You can also watch Gorillaman in HD or SD quality.
Overview: A school comedy about a mute transfer student, Tadashi Iketo, who is constantly shuffled from school to school for his "violent nature," though he really is a mild-mannered boy constantly taunted into fights over his simian appearance.
Other names: リラーマン
Language: Subbed
Episodes: 2
Views: 1333
Last Added: 2022-08-14 01:25:58
Release Year: 1992
Type: OVA
Genres: Comedy, Delinquents, School, Seinen
AniWind is a great site to watch anime Gorillaman, SUB online. You can also watch Gorillaman in HD or SD quality.